
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Five Illnesses, One Prescription

Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

Such patients of diabetes who are fed up of taking medicines. And then diabetes has affected their joints, muscles, nerves, mind, eyesight, memory and sexual prowess, and they are leading their lives like weak, impotent and fed up people in the society.

Readers! I gather precious pearls for you and I do not hide them. You should also become generous and definitely write. (Editor Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai)

Readers! Medicine in reality has nourished in the laps of kings. Kings are very sensitive and soft. They like or dislike medicines, their tastes, odor, and even the burp after eating the medicine. By keeping this thing in mind royal physicists invented khameera, foils of silver and gold and such delicious medicines. Where so many khameeras (leavens) that are unfordable by so many people, in which you put 10 grams of medicine worth Rs. 80,000 or 150,000, precious Zaafraan (Saffron)  costing millions of rupees and months of grinding and sieving, there medicine has provided certain alternatives that cost less, are easy to use, but their benefits are such that they are wonderful that cannot be understood easily by a common man, but after using it the heart says, that it is indeed true!


Tamar Hindi, that is known as big imli also. It has a dark red shell on top of it and a kernel inside. It is used commonly in herbal medicine. It can be broken and its shell can be extracted. This is a very cheap medicine. If you buy this medicine for Rs. 50, it is a complete cure for 6 months. Come! We shall tell you about its medical treatment, benefits and recipe.


You should just take the kernel of Tamar Hindi, meaning big imli. Grind it well and fill full sized capsules with it. The medicine is ready. Now listen to its benefits. A seventh grade servant in the civil secretariat  used to work in herbal medicine as well. Many years ago I met him in Urdu bazar Lahore. He was himself buying my book. He was praising a prescription of my previous books. The publisher smiled and told him that I was also standing there. He met with a lot of love and affection. While conversing he told me about the capsules (he put his hand in his pocket and took out a sealed packet of 30 capsules and took out a capsule from it). Then when he opened the capsule, it had powder in it. He said it is the shell of tamar Hindi and nothing else. I sell people this capsule openly. It is a packing of 30. I give one capsule in the morning and one in the evening, during the meal or after the meal along with water. If the illness is severe, I give an additional capsule during the afternoon as well. Its results are very wonderful, especially for 5 illnesses. 1. Such patients whose sperms have finished or they are week and they are not able of progeny. 2. Such women who are being affected by leucorrhoea like termites and they are becoming hollow from within. They are strong apparently but from within they are weak and ill. 3. Such patients of diabetes who are fed up of taking medicines. And then diabetes has affected their joints, muscles, nerves, mind, eyesight, memory and sexual prowess, and they are leading their lives like weak, impotent and fed up people in the society. I give them these capsules with milk, or otherwise with water. Once, twice or thrice a day. According to the desire. 4. Such people who cannot maintain their ablution and suffer from urinary drops and are doubtful about cleanliness, for them its results are wonderful. They are very useful and wonderful. 5. For piles its benefits are wonderful. Such people who are suffering from chronic constipation, piles, lack of bowel movement and a never ending anxiety due to these issues and especially the pain, burns and restlessness they have after bowels, in all of these problems and issues, this thing is very beneficial.


Readers! That government servant told me about these five benefits. The packet of capsules was in my hand. He put his hand in his pocket and gave a few more packets to me and said, where you do so many favors to people that you open the secrets of your heart for them, there I do not say that I am obliging you, this is a gift and a present from me that you should kindly accept and please give it to your patients. And if really you get a good result, you should also make it, I shall be happy. Because you were my virtual teacher and today I accept you as my master by meeting you. I achieved a lot from your books. Readers this incident is of a time when Ubqari magazine had not even started yet (Ubqari began in June, 2006). I put the packet of capsule in my hand. I had to meet a few other people in Urdu bazar. During meetings, whoever I met wherever and we talked, people discussed their problems. Thus, I distributed those packets in Urdu bazar. After distributing I forgot the whole episode. But after a few weeks I received a message from someone that he needed those packets. He said that he was suffering from chronic diabetes and the body had dilapidated, he said that literally  his medicine intake and injections had reduced. And that he feels strength, energy, power, freshness and agility in his body. And there was a feeling of further strength as well. I promised him that I shall make more and send them over. I got so much busy with my work that I forgot. After a few days another person rang. I had given this medicine to him for piles. He also praised a lot and asked for more. I at once ordered for more medicine and had it ground and filled capsules with it. I sent them all that medicine. Then I started giving it continuously for these illnesses to people. What should I tell you about the observation of the nature of my Lord. What should I tell you about this blessing of Allah that I was astonished beyond bounds. The patients of diabetes used it for some time, they benefited. Such patients who had eaten medicines for sperms and had given up confidence on medicines. They used it for a few weeks or a few months and reported wonderful results. One observation that I had after its repeated use, that I had not had before is that the patients of joints and back ache also gained health with it. After that I had many observations and benefits started appearing. Whoever used it punctually, with interest, attention, belief, confidence, he benefited a lot and received results beyond limits. And that benefit was such that even if you use the word wonderful to describe it, even then this word is small and concise for this. Readers! This small thing that I brought in front of you today is apparently small, but its benefits, wonders, observations and experiences are wonderful. It is my suggestion that if you are using any other medicines then do not abandon them at once, but buy this medicine today from your nearby pinsaar store. Break its peel with a hammer. You will get its whitish squeezed kernel from inside. Grind it and save small pinches of it or fill capsules and use them. All praise be to Allah! I have many of its observations, benefits and results of its healing. If you find it beneficial, please do not hesitate or delay in writing about them.

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